
40 Questions about Baptism and the Lord’s Supper is unavailable, but you can change that!

Appropriate for the student and thoughtful layperson, 40 Questions About Baptism and the Lord’s Supper answers 40 of the most common and most difficult questions about the two Protestant ordinances. There is significant diversity of views on these subjects and the skilled, evenhanded biblical analysis sheds lights on the many theological and pastoral considerations regarding baptism and...

Lutheran churches today do not share the historical context of Luther and so have received Luther’s view in its final form, not as it developed in the course of history. They tend to see the later works of Luther, such as the Small Catechism (1529),16 as more reflective of their view than his earlier works. It is also worth noting that the official Lutheran statement of faith, the Augsburg Confession, though not written by Luther, was approved by him and it also
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